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by Andrew Trendell | Photos by Press

Tags: Paul Weller 

Paul Weller has taken over Gigwise

To celebrate Saturn's Pattern, Weller gives us the inside track on his LP


Paul Weller takes over Gigwise - interviews, track by track and more Photo: Press

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It takes a certain something to be an icon. One can find fame in their early days then spend the rest of their life cashing in on the nostalgia circuit. But to find ever-more relevance in each decade takes something else entirely - a restless artistic drive and real hunger. That is precisely why Paul Weller still matters in 2015. 

He has that ability to reach absolutely everyone with a calibre of songcraft like no other. He may be well into his 'elder statesman' standing in the rock game, but The Modfather still writes and performs with fresh eyes. The former Jam and Style Icon legend wears his music like so many of his finely-tailored suits - he stands tall, resplendent and pristine. For proof, look no further than the brilliant and bold new LP, Saturn's Pattern. 

To celebrate this remarkable record, Paul Weller has taken over Gigwise. See below for in-depth interviews on the album, a track-by-track guide to Saturn's Pattern by the man himself, a look into his favourite new and old music, a glimpse into what he thinks of music festivals, a guide to what he thinks of style and fashion in 2015. 

Saturn's Patter will be released on 18 May.

Check out our full Paul Weller takeover below:

INTERVIEW: Weller talks about the drive and evolution behind Saturn's Pattern - watch

TRACK BY TRACK: Weller gives an in-depth guide behind each song on Saturn's Pattern - watch

LISTENING HABITS: Paul Weller on his favourite new music, the old classics and how he longs for 'working class rock'

BEHIND THE FASHION: The Style Council fashion icon tells us how to wear a suit, Noel Gallagher's footwear and why cowboy boots are evil

FESTIVAL LIFE: The Modfather on what's great and what's terrible about festivals, and how 'a lot of the headliners are just old f***ers who just got back together for the money

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