by Edward Keeble

50 years of Doctor Who: 24 songs to mark the occasion

From Orbital's famous remix to Muse's 'Space Dementia'


50 years of Doctor Who: 24 songs to mark the occasion


So it's the 50th anniversary of British science fiction hero Doctor Who, a staple of British television since the 1960s - with the BBC pulling out all the stops to mark the anniversary.

This weekend will see the broadcast of the 50th anniversary episode 'Day of the Doctor' that will see Doctor's old and new alike unite for the world's first simulcast event that will be broadcast across the world. A limited cinema release will also be shown at the same time in order to prevent any leaks of the extremely precious plot.

The episode has been described by writer Stephen Moffat as a "love letter to fans". So in that vein we have compiled a Spotify playlist of tracks linked to the famous television show, some obvious choices such as Orbital's famous remix of the theme tune all the way down to tenously linked tracks from Billie Piper, and errrr... 'Dick In A Box'. Enjoy...



Artist A-Z #  A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  Q  R  S  T  U  V  W  X  Y  Z