Feeder have just released the video to their new track 'Eskimo'. It’s the second single from their forthcoming studio album All Bright Electric - due out 7 October.
The cut is one of the band's finest tracks to date and has a disctinly dark feel. Following on from the awesome first single 'Universe of Life' this second cut to drop so far indicates All Bright Electric is going to make a strong impact when it's released.
'Eskimo' benefits from heavy use of the drums floor tom use which is hit with pummeling intensity, whilst Nicholas' Fender Jazzmaster has an air of Radiohead's 'I Might Be Wrong' on the riff in the verses. It explodes into a wall of sound that shows them with enough rock n roll heaviness to take on the biggest stadiums in the choruses.
It's apt then that it's also just been announced that Feeder have been specially invited to headline the First Utility Super League Grand Final which takes place at Old Trafford on Saturday 8 October. The band’s set will be performed to over 75,000 people and be aired on Sky Sports.
Meanwhile, Grand Nicholas has commented on the new cut: "Eskimo is a song about a journey of self discovery. We are always looking for the right path in life in which to take and are often casualties of our own misguidance and inner demons. Temptation is never far way."
On the video, Grant added: "We really wanted a trippy, almost psychedelic style video to capture the groove and darker spirit of the song; a modern twist on the 60’s psychedelia imagery with the band more in silhouette. Retro but still current in some way."
They also head out on a huge UK tour.
28 02 ABC Glasgow
30 Loopallu Festival Ullapool
1 Newcastle Uni - Newcastle
3 O2 Ritz - Manchester
4 O2 Institute - Birmingham
6 The UEA - Norwich
8 Old Trafford Stadium - Manchester
[headlining the RFL Grand Final 2016 entertainment]
9 Beckett University - Leeds
10 O2 Academy - Bristol
12 Roundhouse - London
13 Pyramids - Portsmouth
16 Academy - Dublin
17 Limelight - Belfast
19 Trashed - Cardiff
20 The Lemon Grove - Exeter [SOLD OUT]