Cornish, acoustic storyteller Ruarri Joseph plucked from obscurity some eighteen months ago has gone from strength to strength. Since the summer Joseph has released his debut album 'Tales Of Grime and Grit', played a muddy Glastonbury and has worked along side similarly emotively indulgent acoustical contemporaries Wilco and album chart topping princess Kate Nash on their own individual tours.
'Blankets,' Joseph's second single release encompasses all that is good in his repertoire from expertly orchestrated acoustics and uniquely husky, gravely vocals to harmonious, choir like accompanying vocals and abundant Cornish, sea shanty style accordion melodies. Joseph's natural style of music is sombre, emotive and melodic revealing his inner passions and his willingness to wear his heart on his sleeve, 'Blankets' is Joseph at his finest.
Released 24/09/07 on Atlantic Records.