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by Daniel Melia

Tags: The Features 

Diesel-U-Music Award Winners Revealed

At lavish London ceremony...


Diesel-U-Music Award Winners Revealed Photo:

The Diesel-U-Music Awards took place in London last night and Gigwise was there took soak up the atmosphere and free alcohol.

After a worldwide search for the globes best new talents in Electro, Indie and Urban music the winners were announced at the ceremony.

In the Electronic category it was a home win with London based duo and Gigwise favourites Get Shakes taking home the gong.

The Features, who were unceremoniously dropped by Universal in 2006 for refusing to record a song for an advertising campaign, made a worthwhile journey across the Atlantic to win the Indie and Public Vote awards.

Their fellow Americans Cool Kids were the winners in the Urban category but unfortunately were unable to attend the ceremony.

The final awards for Contribution To Music and 4Music Icon were handed out to Peter Saville and Joy Division, with Peter Hook picking up the award for the band.

The night was also graced with performances by CSS, GOOD Shoes, The Features, Uffie and Wiley.

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