- by Daniel Melia
- Thursday, April 09, 2009
- Photo by: Splash News
South Park Mocks 'Gay Fish' Kanye West
The latest episode of South Park has poked fun at Kanye West, labelling him a 'gay fish'.
The hip-hop star appeared in the show last night (April 8) in the US in an episode called 'Fish Sticks'.
The episode centered on a joke made by Cartman and Jimmy about fish fingers that everyone in the world- except Kanye - found hilarious.
The joke goes:
"Do you like fish sticks?"
When the answer comes back 'yes' everyone replies: "Then you're a gay fish!"
The play on words between sticks and dicks then sweeps South Park, but Kanye can't get it and goes on the rampage trying to find the boys who created the joke.
Still unable to get to grips with the punchline the star gives into public opinion and dives into the sea looking for underwater love - which he finds with a cartoon carp!
Kanye West finds love with a fish on South Park
- Looks ace.

- lol im a gay fishhh

- It was one of the better South Parks, and the pompous idiot really deserved it.

- i dont really think this was an insult to kanye, nor that he "deserved" anything. south park takes everything and makes a joke out of it, this was an awesome episode and everyone just needs to leave kanye alone about it, he thought it was funny, im sure it didnt really hurt his feelings as bad as everyone thinks it did. get off the subject and leave the man alone already

- wow dani sounds like your a gay fish too

» View all 8 comments~ by Sheq 4/9/2009
~ by MPTEAM 4/13/2009
~ by BritSwedeGuy 4/13/2009
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~ by GayFishYall 4/19/2009
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