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The Music Industry Set To Receive 26m Pounds To Help Create New Jobs

As part of a new initiative by the UK government...

The Music Industry Set To Receive 26m Pounds To Help Create New Jobs

The music industry is set to be given a £26 million windfall by the government to help creates placements for the jobless during the recession.

Under the plan being spearheaded by Culture secretary James Purnell, £50 million is being given to creative industries to help create new jobs.

According to Music Week the music industry will get over half the money with the initial aim of creating 200 placements in the 'festival' sector.

The money will come directly from the Department for Work and Pensions and jobs in other sectors of the music industry are planned for the future.

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  • #followfriday @weeclaire @rockfeedback @abof @gigwise @radiomagnetic @glasgowpodcart @TLOBF @subbacultchacom @songkick @weareskylarkin
    Hinterland_Fest on Fri Jun 19 18:32:56 via web
  • #followfriday @weeclaire @rockfeedback @NotAPretender @gigwise @thisisphantom @halina1979 @glasgowpodcart @TLOBF @subbacultchacom @songkick
    abof on Fri Jun 19 18:31:05 via web
  • RT @MusicPromotions#followfriday @laylaloves @musicpr @gigwise @holymolynews @popjustice @benyacobi (I'm retweeting cos I'm lazy)
    benyacobi on Fri Jun 19 16:51:31 via web
  • @Gigwise not even close, saw Radiohead in Malahide last year and they were good but for me anyway not the same buzz as a Springsteen show
    ianmoran on Fri Jun 19 16:06:15 via TweetDeck
  • @gigwise yes about Glastonbury. YOU KNOW. excuse me while i weep.
    LambMurray on Fri Jun 19 15:45:07 via web
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