by Scott Colothan Contributor | Photos by Veronika Moore

Tags: Peaches 

Peaches: 'Lady GaGa Is A Very Polished Diva'

But youngsters turn to Peaches when they're older...


Peaches: 'Lady GaGa Is A Very Polished Diva' Photo: Veronika Moore

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Peaches has called Lady GaGa a “very polished diva” and insists she does not hate her.

GaGa has previously been accused of ripping off Peaches' flamboyant style but despite this the Canadian singer has no hard feelings.

The 41-year-old tells “I'm not hating on her (GaGa). I'm not hating on what she's doing in terms of performance. She has television as her outlet, which I don't. I'm not really invited on TV. I don't go to awards. I don't have a large record company that can pay people to put me on TV. They don't want me on TV because I’m old, I don't know, I'm weird.

“But the people are able to see Lady Gaga's performance on TV - like 12-year-old kids - have an alternative in a very polished diva that exists. That’s cool for 12-year-olds, and when they turn 15, they find Peaches.”

Scott Colothan


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