Across the US...
Scott Colothan

09:49 12th January 2010

50 cent wants to launch a series of English style pubs in the US with help from Celebrity Big Brother star Vinnie Jones.

The rapper says he wants to talk to the footballer turned actor when he leaves the reality show to discuss his business proposal.

Fiddy enthused: "I love the British pub. I have spent enough time in London and there is nobody who does a pub quite like England.

"Many people have tried to replicate the British pub theme over here in the States, but it just doesn't work, it's not genuine.

"I would want a British business partner for it to be genuine and Vinnie would be ideal.

"He is about as British as it gets, the way he looks, the way he speaks, just everything. I am sure between us we could do it justice.

"I know he is in Big Brother at the moment but when he comes out we'll talk.”

He continued to The Sun: "We could start with pubs in my home town of New York and his current home town of LA. But with us two in business it could go worldwide.

"We could have a Vinnie and 50's in every major city in the world."

Photo: Splash News