He tells fans...
Jason Gregory

17:35 6th May 2010

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Trent Reznor has assured fans that Nine Inch Nails are not over, despite the launch of his new project with his wife.

The singer unveiled How To Destroy Angels, his collaboration with Mariqueen Maandig, earlier this week.

The duo are expected to release a six-song EP this summer, while first single ‘A Drowning’ is already available online.

Reznor said his new outfit “frees me from some of the constraints I've begun to feel (primarily emotionally) in NIN”, but insisted that it didn't mark the end of his former band.

Talking to fans on Facebook, he wrote: "NIN is not dead and I am about to work on some material that I believe will be quite different than previous NIN very soon."

How To Destroy Angels is Reznor’s first new project since Nine Inch Nails ended their touring career last autumn.

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Photo: WENN.com