The Charlatans Recruit Verve Drummer To Replace Jon Brookes

While he undergoes treatment for brain tumour...

September 24, 2010 by Jason Gregory | Photo by
The Charlatans Recruit Verve Drummer To Replace Jon Brookes

The Verve's Pete Salisbury will stand in for Charlatans drummer Jon Brookes while he undergoes treatment for a brain tumour.

Brookes is due to have an operation this week after collapsing during a gig on the band's US tour. He was flown home last week.

In a statement, The Charlatans said Salisbury would replace Brookes for “at least” the band's upcoming UK tour in October.

They added that it wasn't clear how long Brookes' recovery would take. The band also thanked fans "for their kind messages of support".

The Charlatans UK tour includes includes dates in Dundee (October 9), Leeds (14) and Norwich (21).

The band released their latest studio album, 'Who We Touch', last week.

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