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JK Rowling Confirms Pottermore Details

Free to use website to enhance Harry Potter reading experience...

June 23, 2011 by Alex Winehouse

JK Rowling has announced details of the new Harry Potter website Pottermore, revealing that it will help to enhance reader's experience of the Potter stories.

Speculation had been mounting that Pottermore was to be an online game, but this has proven to not be the case.

Instead, fans will be able to access extra information on all seven of Rowling's novels, being able to see new illustrations and previously unkown tidbits about Harry's magical world.

From October, fans will also be able to interact with the website, making it a wiki - of sorts - about Diagon Alley, Hogwarts, and everything wizarding in between.

Features include being able to ask the sorting hat questions, and being able to choose your own unique wand from Olivander's range.

Rowling's announcement can be seen here:

What Pottermore will look like...

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