by Dan Charman | Photos by

Tags: Keane

The most boring musicians of all time

Stay awake, if you can, as we celebrate the yawnsome return of Keane


The most boring musicians of all time


When we think of rockstars we think the groupies, copious amounts of whiskey and as much sex as is humanly possible.

However some musicians shun this fantastic lifestyle in return for a life of boring the hell out of the general public. With terminal dullards Keane announcing their return to the scene after a holiday away from music (we thought we gave them a one way ticket), is there anyone else who rivals their distinct lack of excitement?

From the glaringly obvious Coldplay through to the more recently disappointing Ed Sheeran, they're all in Gigwise's most boring musicians of all time. Have we missed any in our gallery? Leave your comments below.


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