by Pritham Bhatia | Photos by

Tags: Michael Jackson

Secret Michael Jackson video lawsuit settled

Private jet company to pay out $2.5m for Michael Jackson secret filming


Secret Michael Jackson video lawsuit settled


Michael Jackson's attorneys have settled a lawsuit against a private jet company who secretly filmed converstaions with the singer whilst he was onboard one of their planes.

Jeffrey Borer, owner of the private jet company XtraJet had the late singer filmed when he was flying from Las Vegas to Santa Barbera, California. Jeffrey had attempted to sell the video to various media outlets after Jackson was called to trial for child molestation charges in 2003.

Jackson's lawyers, Mark Geragos & Co. will recieve $2.5 million after settling the lawsuit with XtraJet on grounds of a violation of privacy. They were originally rewarded with $20million but this was struck down by the Appeals Court.

Although Michael Jackson passed away in 2009, he became the best selling albums artist of the year, selling over 32 million albums worldwide in the 12 months following his death. Michael's first posthumous album, 'Michael' was released by Sony Records in November 2010, and was reportedly the most expensive music deal in history, as Sony paid over $250million to the Jackson estate for access to his unreleased catalogue.


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