by Luke Tadgell | Photos by

Tags: Kaiser Chiefs

Kaiser Chiefs to help promote unsigned talent

Yorkshire band help compile collection album featuring new British music


Kaiser Chiefs to help promote unsigned talent


New music site Unsigned Band Review has announced the launch of a new enterprise that will see a series of albums featuring unsigned artists being curated by established major musicians. Notably, the first collection of tracks will be chosen by the Kaiser Chiefs, all thirteen artists having been taken from the aforementioned site.

This first album's artists include Young Electrics, the band of Jack Moore, his father famous for being in Thin Lizzy.

The campaign of albums, collectively titled the Emerging Icons series, aims to unearth the best in new UK musical talent, with a percentage of the sales going directly to the unsigned artists, the rest being invested in the Unsigned Band Review community to provide opportunities for future talent.

The Kaiser Chiefs will be performing as headliners at the Guernsey Festival in June.


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