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    Inspirational guitarist Bert Weedon dies aged 91

    Legendary musician who inspired The Beatles, Eric Clapton passes away

    April 20, 2012 by David Renshaw | Photo by WENN

    Bert Weedon, who is said to have inspired The Beatles with his Play In A Day books, has passed away aged 91.

    London born Weedon had a wide and varied career, starting off in the Ted Heath band before going solo and enjoying hit singles like Guitar Boogie Shuffle and Nashville Boogie.

    Weedon went on to play guitar for Cliff Richard and Billy Fury before embarking on his hugely succesful Play In A Day guitar books in 1957. Everyone from The Beatles and Eric Clapton to Queen's Brian May have acknowledged the books as playing a big part in their learning of the instrument.

    John Adrian, a friend of Weedon's, today confirmed that he died at home in Beaconsfield, adding: He had been poorly for a while but, even so, this was sudden. He was one of my dearest friends."

    Weedon is survived by his wife and two sons.

    Meanwhile, it is a sad day all round with this news following the confirmation that The Band's Levon Helm had lost his battle with cancer coming late last night. Bob Dylan and The Black Keys are amongst those to pay tribute to the late drummer.

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