by David Renshaw | Photos by WENN

Tags: Gorillaz

Damon Albarn considers future Gorillaz with no animation

He says that artist Jamie Hewlett is not essential


Damon Albarn considers future Gorillaz with no animation

Photo: WENN

Damon Albarn has suggested that there does not need to be a visual element to make his animated band Gorillaz work.

Albarn, who has released three full albums under the Gorillaz moniker, believes that new illustrations to accompany the music he makes are not essential to what Gorillaz do, telling Shortlist that he could make another Gorillaz record 'tomorrow'.

Speaking to the magazine, Albarn said: "It was very much Jamie [Hewlett] did the visuals and I did the music. The music won’t change, so there could be another Gorillaz record tomorrow. It wouldn’t necessarily have Murdoc - the cartoon aspect to it - but musically, no, nothing’s changed whatsoever."

Relations between Hewlett and Albarn are frosty at the moment after the pair fell out in 2011, reportedly over the amount of time Albarn commits to other projects and Hewlett's party lifestyle.

However, Damon does not rule out the possibility of the two working together again in the future. "Jamie wants to do other things and I understand. But you never know, in a few years he might have a burning desire to draw those pictures again, and as soon as he does that, as far as I’m concerned, there could be another Gorillaz album."

Albarn recently joked that he wants Noel Gallagher to join him on his African Express musical project.


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