by David Renshaw

Tags: The Gaslight Anthem

The Gaslight Anthem defend Against Me! singer's sex change

Band show support after Tom Gabel's choice is criticised by online fans


The Gaslight Anthem defend Against Me! singer's sex change


The Gaslight Anthem have written an open letter in defence of Tom Gabel, the Against Me! singer who today came out as being transgender.

Gabel went public with his story today, ahead of a full interview in Rolling Stone magazine. Perhaps unsurprisingly, some people on the internet have been less than kind of about the frontman's plight and made disparaging comments about both him and his band.

Attacking those critics, The Gaslight Anthem wrote on their blog that: "How about you leave the guy alone.  How about you let another human being make a decision about their lives without your snide prejudices and bigotry? This is one of the hardest decisions a person can make."

Adding: "From my limited understanding of the subject, it means feeling your whole life like you were born in the wrong skin.  That’s something that 99% of us can’t understand.  Whether you agree or don’t, it’s not your life.  It’s not your family. it’s not your band, it’s theirs."

Gabel admitted when he revealed the news that he is is "hoping people will understand, and hoping they'll be fairly kind."


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