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Music's most rampant shaggers: sexaholics and more

Adam Levine earns a new place in the line-up, who else is a notorious sex fan?


Music's most rampant shaggers: sexaholics and more


Adam Levine claims his rampant sex life, and many partners, is simply down to his love for women - and not because he is a 'mysogynist pig'.

Sex comes with the terrirtory when it comes to the music world, but some take more than their fair share. Adam Levine is just the latest in a long line of musicians to discuss his promiscuity - and he won't be the last.

Speakng of his conquests in a new interview with Details magazine he says: "There's two kinds of men: There are men who are f**cking misogynist pigs, and then there are men who just really love women, who think they're the most amazing people in the world. And that's me.

"Maybe the reason I was promiscuous, and wanted to sleep with a lot of them, is that I love them so much."

So, in honour of Adam Levine and his rampant sex life, check out who else is getting more than their fair share...


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