by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Adele

Robert Pattinson speaks of bizarre arguement with Adele

Singer reminds actor of her success as he advises she 'reach' for her goals


Robert Pattinson speaks of bizarre arguement with Adele


Twilight star Robert Pattinson has spoken of the time he had strange argument with Adele when he advised the star to reach for her goals - which she reminded him she had already achieved.

The actor spoke of the 'ridiculous' incident in a CBC TV interview in America as he was promoting new movie Cosmopolis, and reveals his regret at the comments he made to the singer.

Speaking of striving to achieve success, Pattison says: "Actually I had this argument with Adele, which is probably the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever said. I was saying, “you know, you can really just like reach for it,” and she was like, “you do realize I am like the biggest-selling female artist ever?” And I just for some reason just decided to get into an argument with her.

"I woke up regretting everything I said."

Below: Robert Pattinson and Adele in the under-30 rich list


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