by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga suffers concussion at New Zealand show

Singer hit on head with a pole, but soldiers on for another 16 songs


Lady Gaga suffers concussion at New Zealand show


Never one to let something as trivial as a potentially life-threatening head injury stop a show, Lady Gaga finished her recent Auckland gig with a concussion on the weekend.

The singer self-diagnosed the allifliction after being hit on the head by a pole during her New Zealand gig.

"I want to apologise," said Gaga to the audience. "I did hit my head and I think I may have a concussion but don't you worry I will finish this show."

She then sung 16 songs with the head injury, which was later 'confirmed' by her make-up artist via Twitter.

"GaGa has a concussion but she is going to be okay," tweeted Tara Savelo. "She wants u to know she loves u. I'm taking care of her. cant believe she finished the show. (sic)"

Lady Gaga also addressed a potentially widening rift with Madonna at her Auckland show, speaking about people 'mocking' her work following Madonna's cover/mash-up of her hit 'Born This Way' with her own track, 'Express Yourself'.

Below: Lady Gaga - from day one to 'Born This Way' ball


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