by Gigwise | Photos by Neil Lupin

Tags: Download - Donington (UK)

The muddiest, messiest festival goers at Download 2012

Who ever let a little rain get in the way of a good rock event?


The muddiest, messiest festival goers at Download 2012

Photo: Neil Lupin

Once again the British summer did its worst at this year's Download Festival and turned Donnington Park into a soggy mud-bath. Did the festival-goers care? No chance.

Sure, the bands on stage are important at any festival, but there's no event without an audience - and UK festival goers are as hardened as they come. Whether it's rain, wind or blistering sun, you can guarantee a good time will be had by all.

So, along with our collection of exclusive photos of Black Sabbath, Soundgarden, The Prodigy, Tenacious D and many more, check out our collection of photos of the muddiest, messiest audience members of Download 2012...

All photos by Neil Lupin


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