by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Rihanna

Rihanna calls tabloid a 'baggy a*s condom'

Singer posts Twitter rant, furious at The Sun for body double slur


Rihanna calls tabloid a 'baggy a*s condom'


Rihanna has once again lashed out at tabloid reports in The Sun newspaper, this time suggesting she used a body double for her  recent Armani adverts.

The tabloid recently claimed that the adverts featured a bottom-double and that the bum seen in the adverts belonged to a model called Jahnassa.

"Ok @thesunnewspaper , this is the only way I could say this to you!!! FUCK YOU....AND yo baggy ass condom (sic)" she tweeted, before later seeming to regret her choice of words, following up with: "Ok enough of that! I coulda been more clever about it, but I was lazy."

She previously called the newspaper 'ass-hair' after they suggested she would cancel her UK festival appearances due to exhaustion, saying: "The Sun Newspaper is like a f**kin ass hair, full of s**t!!!!!!"

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