by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber to be questioned on 'criminal battery' charges

Singer expected to finally report to LA police about paparazzi incident in May


Justin Bieber to be questioned on 'criminal battery' charges


'Boyfriend' singer Justin Bieber is set to speak to US police on his return to America after his European tour, with legal experts saying he will need to be questioned regarding a paparazzi incident in May this year.

The singer was involved in an altercation with a snapper in California which resulted in a scuffle between the two men. The photographer was treated in hospital for minor injuries. Bieber was expected to face questioning over the incident, but instead jetted off on tour. Now, it is likely he will have to speak to police about the affray on his return.

"He will definitely be called in for questioning," says LA lawyer Anahita Sedaghatfar to Fox News. "This is a high-profile case which has gotten a ton of media attention. The police will have to dot their i’s and cross their t’s for sure.

"However, Bieber is under no legal obligation to talk to the police. He likely will speak to them nevertheless, of course with his attorneys' guidance, and the police will have to get his side of the story in order to determine whether to dump the case or turn it over to prosecutors. They certainly cannot press charges based on the little evidence they have now."

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