by David Renshaw | Photos by

Ian Brown 'wipes bum' with English flag during Stone Roses gig

At Danish festival show


Ian Brown 'wipes bum' with English flag during Stone Roses gig


Ian Brown reportedly called the St. George's cross 'the Pope's flag' and mimed wiping his bum with it during a Stone Roses performance at a Danish music festival.

The reformed Manchester band were performing at NorthSide festival in Denmark when Brown grabbed the English flag from his fellow countryman in the audience. Danish music site Gaffa reports that Brown then said: "That's the f*cking pope’s flag! Not cool, man!" he said into the microphone as

The frontman of the band in then alleged to have 'thrown the flag on the floor and jumped on it before miming the wiping of his backside with it'. 

This latest unusual Stone Roses story comes just a week after the band had a row onstage in Amsterdam with drummer Reni leaving the gig early and Brown labelling him a 'c*nt'. 

The Stone Roses perform three massive homecoming gigs in Manchester from June 29-July 1. 

Below: The Stone Roses most iconic photos


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