by Michael Baggs | Photos by

'200lb toddler' Lady Gaga is yet to 'make it' says manager

Troy Carter dismisses success at Singapore event


The quite-famous Lady Gaga has been called a 200lb toddler by her manager who has compared the star to an overgrown child.

The singer, currently on tour across the world on her 'Born This Way' ball tour, was discussed by Troy Carter at a Music Matters conference in Singapore, who said a blunt 'no' when asked if the star had 'made it'.

"It's less about Gaga than it really is what's happening in the world right now as a whole," he added, speaking about protests against Gaga in Jakarta recently. "This is a microcosm. It's a generational divide. Jesus Christ got crucified. It happens."

He also added that he and Gaga were determined to overcome protests in the region and return for future live shows.

"Asia is a very loyal audience and an audience that really, really loves music," he said. "It's not a passive audience at all.

"We plan on spending a lot more time here."

Below: Lady Gaga live - from day one to 'Born This Way' ball


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