by David Renshaw | Photos by

Lily Allen slams PM David Cameron in Twitter rant

Returning singer criticises housing benefit cuts


Lily Allen slams PM David Cameron in Twitter rant


Lily Allen has criticised PM David Cameron after the Conservative party announced plans to slash housing benefits for the under 25s.

Cameron announced the controversial policy, which will see the removal of benefits for out-of-work families with large numbers of children and scrapping housing-benefit payments to under-25s, over the weekend and Allen is amongst a number of those opposing the plan.

"I'd love to know what David Camerons living arrangements were in his early twenties. Something for nothing? i'd put money on it." she Tweeted earlier today (June 25).

Allen herself faced some criticism for her views, with many Twitter users reminding her of her own priveliged background. Responding to these users, Allen wrote: "Hey look ive never claimed to be the daughter of a coal miner, but that doesn't mean i cant see the injustices being inflicted by this gov."

Meanwhile, Allen confirmed her return to the music world last week, Tweeting from the studio with writer and producer Greg Kurstin.

Below: classic Lily Allen quotes - Cheryl Cole beware!


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