by Michael Baggs | Photos by Rihanna / Twitter

Tags: Rihanna

Rihanna 'roams the streets' after hotel fire evacuation

6am drama forces star out onto the streets


Rihanna 'roams the streets' after hotel fire evacuation

Photo: Rihanna / Twitter

Rihanna was rushed from her London hotel at 6am in the morning earlier this week and forced to 'roam the streets' in a taxi.

A small blaze broke out in the lift at the hotel, and guests were forced to leave at 6am yesterday morning (27 June, 2012) after 300 guests and staff huddled together in the cold outside the plush, central London hotel.

Tweeting about the incident as it happened, Rihanna posted: "Roamin da streets since 6am! Fyah in da telly #evacuationlife."

An official statement was issued by the hotel.

"At approximately 6.30am, one of the service elevator motors burnt out," read the statement. "There was a slight discharge of smoke and because of our robust fire management policy, the alarms were activated and a full evacuation of the building was carried out.

"As a matter of procedure, the fire brigade were called to carry out full safety checks throughout the building. All guests were safely accounted for and allowed back into the hotel soon after 7am."

Rihanna performed at last weekend's Radio One Hackney weekend and is said to be remaining in the UK as she works with dance producer Burns on the follow up to her 'Talk That Talk' album.

Below: Rihanna, Jay-Z and Coldplay rock Hackney Weekend


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