by Grace Carroll | Photos by

Tags: Chris Brown, Drake

Women injured in Drake and Chris Brown fight sue NY club

Two party goers file lawsuits against WIP


Women injured in Drake and Chris Brown fight sue NY club


The two women who claim to have been injured in the alleged Chris Brown and Drake nightclub brawl have filed lawsuits against the New York club where the fight is said to have taken place.
The lawsuits have been filed against the owners of the WiP club where the brawl took place. The two women, Lucy Pavlovsky and Nadia Beddini, are claiming that they were 'permanently injured' in the fracas and that they feel it would have been avoided if inebriated clubbers had been asked to leave.
They allege that they suffered damage to their faces, heads and necks. Pavlovsky also claims that she required stitches for her arm which was cut by a thrown broken bottle. Both are seeking unspecified damanges and claim that the bottle-throwers were "sold and consumed alcohol in excessive amounts."
Basketball star Tony Barker has also filed a similar lawsuit, alleging that his eye was cut after he tried to leave the club once the fight broke out.
Chris Brown recently recorded a diss track against Drake following the brawl. 
Below: Chris Brown's chin and more music injuries

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