by David Renshaw | Photos by

Tags: Bruce Springsteen

Bruce Springsteen hires guitar guard ahead of Hyde Park gig

'Born To Run' star remains vigilant in London


Bruce Springsteen hires guitar guard ahead of Hyde Park gig


Bruce Springsteen's backstage demands ahead of his performance in London tonight have been revealed, including the fact he hires a man whose sole job is to guard his guitar.

Springsteen will headline the second night of Hard Rock Calling in London's Hyde Park tonight (July 14) where the guard will be on the look out for anyone hoping to get close to Springsteen's iconic six-stringer.

“Obviously Bruce’s guitar means a lot to him so he’s got the instrument a dedicated guitar guard.," a source told the Daily Star.
“Security is paramount to Bruce so he’s also asked that a dog sweeps the site three times a day before he arrives and once during the performance. But he doesn’t want any uniformed security to be in front of the stage or on the stage at any time.”

Hard Rock Calling kicked off last night with a performance from Soundgarden, you can see pictures from the night here. Paul Simon will close the three day event tomorrow night.

Photos:ruce Springsteen live in concert


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