by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Madonna

Police shut down Madonna's Hyde Park afterparty

Madonna ruffles Mayfair feathers with noisy garden party


Police shut down Madonna's Hyde Park afterparty


Madonna was branded 'a pain' by Mayfair residents this week when the afterparty for her Hyde Park gig spilled over into the early hours of Wednesday morning, and police were called to shut down the party.

Perhaps Madonna was making up for her Hyde Park show, which many people complained was too quiet - in compliance with London regulations.

The MDNA star, who is set to break records with her current tour - which is set to become the highest grossing tour by a female artist ever, held an afterparty for guests including George Michael and Stella McCartney - but incurred the wrath of nearby residents.

"It went on until quarter past two. It was all out in the garden - it woke me up. She is a pain," a sleep-deprived Mayfair resident told The Mirror.

Local authorities received official complaints and officers were sent to shut down the party.

"When officers arrived, they could clearly hear music and shouting," said a spokesman for Westminster Council. "In their opinion it was unreasonable on a weekday evening so they served a noise abatement notice on the owner of the house.

"As soon as the notice was received, the volume was turned down and there were no further complaints."


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