by Charlie Teasdale | Photos by

Tags: Justin Bieber, Jessie J

Tulisa and her sex tape: will she ever stop going on about it?

The artists that need to shut the hell up - now!


Tulisa and her sex tape: will she ever stop going on about it?


Having a sex tape leaked on the internet was a horrible experience for N Dubz singer Tulisa - so dreadful in fact, that she hasn't stopped going on about it all year.

You haven't heard about it? Then you must have have your head in the sane for the past six months - she's not talked about anything else all year. She's even bringing a book out to tell the truth about the whole sordid affair.

Here at Gigwise, we wanted to tell Tulisa, and a few other people, that they need to shut up and get on with it. Stop talking about how stressed you are, how great your girlfriend is, or how fantastic your life is right now. Just make some music.

So here's a little list of people that need to sshhh. If we've missed anyone out, let us know, we're sure there's plenty more...


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