by David Renshaw | Photos by

Dappy slammed by charity after 'downs syndrome' insult

'No Regrets' star uses illness as an insult


Dappy slammed by charity after 'downs syndrome' insult


N Dubz rapper Dappy has been strongly criticised by a top UK Down's Syndrome charity after using the condition as an insult during a Twitter arguement with another rapper.

The row erupted with London MC Scorcher after he posted a diss track aimed at Dappy earlier this month. Responding to the video, Dappy Tweeted Scorcher to show how little he thought of him.

"Ur a dickhead in your HOOD you've never BEEN KNOWN,,I'll get your Face Fucked DOWN SYNDROME...That's all I'm saying...#Im2Hard4dissBitchBoy"  Tweeted Dappy.

Clearly, nobody issued Dappy with the note that calling people by the name of an illness is not really the done thing now thatt it's no longer the 1970's. Unsurprisingly, those who work closely with sufferers of Down's Syndrome are not happy either.

“People with Down’s Syndrome have such a lot to offer. There will be a lot of Dappy’s fans who have Down’s Syndrome who will not be happy he used that term as a form of abuse.” S arah Smith of the charity Down's Heart group told The Sun.

You can see Scorcher's diss track below, now:


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