Family group slams Gaga's latest charitable act
Michael Baggs

11:15 21st July 2012

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Lady Gaga has been slammed for influencing young fans to turn gay, after announcing a new partnership with a leading US gay rights campaign group.

Lady Gaga's Born This Way foundation has partnered with Office Depot, who say they hope to create a 'braver, kinder school year' with Gaga's support. However, the Florida Family Association (FFA) says Gaga is sending an: "irresponsible message to many teens who would have eventually chosen to be straight."

"The one million dollar pledge from Office Depot to the Lady Gaga Born this Way Foundation will influence many teens to embrace homosexuality for their lifetime who may have otherwise worked through their crisis with straight results," says a statement on the FFA website. "Thousands of kids who might have otherwise worked through their pubescent sexual identity issues will be inspired to accept the wrong choice based upon this unscientific, emotionally charged propaganda.

"What’s brave or kind about telling thousands of sexually frustrated teens that they were Born This Way when a high percentage of them would have ended up taking the straight heterosexual path for life?"

Neither Office Depot or the Born This Way foundation has responded to the accusations, but a spokesman for Office Depot has praised Gaga's work, calling it: "an inspirational organization that has the power to make a difference in the lives of today’s youth."

Below: Lady Gaga live - from day one - to Born This Way ball

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