by Grace Carroll | Photos by

Tags: Madonna

Madonna's abandoned Malawi school to become cemetary

Monument to replace scrapped African girls' school


Madonna's abandoned Malawi school to become cemetary


Madonna’s abandoned school in Malawi is to be turned into a cemetery.
In 2009, the singer had plans to build an elite academy for girls costing $15m but the plans were scrapped last year, despite villagers giving up their home for the proposed building site.
Instead, Madonna’s charity Raising Malawi has said it will set up 10 schools instead, the fourth of which was completed last month.
In regards to the abandoned site, however, Malawi has come up with an alternative plan – they are going to build a monument to national heroes there instead. 
Daniel Liwimbi, the country's tourism minister, said: “It was a cabinet decision to construct the heroes' acre at this site.
“Malawians deemed to have done a heroic endeavour of national importance, and selected by committee, which will scrutinise whatever they did, will be buried there.”
Madonna has previously adopted two children from Malawi.
Below: Madonna live in Hyde Park

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