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Tags: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber paparazzi faces jail for high-speed chase

Paul Raef faces jail time under new photo law


Justin Bieber paparazzi faces jail for high-speed chase


A paparazzi photographer who took part in a high-speed chase of Justin Bieber is now facing criminal charges under a new law.
Paul Raef, 30, had four misdemeanour charges filed and could be the first to be charged under the 2010 Anti-Paparazzi Law. Raef has not commented and if convicted, could face up to one year in county jail and $3500 in fines.
The charges are from a chase that took place on July 6 of this year, when a pack of six vehicles pursued Bieber’s sports car. 
City attorney spokesman Frank Mateljan said the Raef case meets all the criteria spelled out in the law.
He added: “We're very confident in our case.”
Bieber had to pay a speeding ticket and has cooperated with authorities investigating the case.

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