by Charlie Teasdale

Tags: Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga: naked, wearing rubber and flicking the finger

Recent attention-seeking stunts from the star


Lady Gaga: naked, wearing rubber and flicking the finger


Lady Gaga has today (1 August, 2012) been pictured dressed top to toe in a rubber bondage costume in a new advert for her upcoming perfume, Fame. Actually, it makes a change to see her wearing anything at all as she has spent much of the past few months completely naked.

She was recently criticised for the promotional poster for her new perfume, 'Fame'. The image shows Gaga stretched out naked, with just a few miniature men covering her dignity. The star has subsequently released a slightly less revealing advert, but it's not totally innocent as there's still enough latex to cover a number of football pitches.

Click through to see some of Gaga's strangest and most outrageous twit-pics, airport arrivals and press shots of recent weeks. It's all in a day's work...


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