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Tags: Justin Bieber

Aboriginal group hit out at Justin Bieber's 'racist' comments

Rolling Stone quotes land singer in hot water


Aboriginal group hit out at Justin Bieber's 'racist' comments


Justin Bieber's recent comments about his confusion over his heritage - and certainty that he is entitled to free gas in Canada - has angered an Aboriginal rights group, who have hit out at the singer's comments.

In an interview with Rolling Stone magazine in July, Bieber revealed that he was "Part Indian... I think Inuit or something?" Before adding: "I’m enough per cent that in Canada I can get free gas.”

Now, the Congress of Aboriginal Peoples have issued a statement condemning Bieber's statements for spreading racial stereotypes among his millions of young fans.

“We have enough issues with racism and stereotyping,” say Dwight Dorey, the congress’s national vice-chief, in the statement. “A young, high-profile entertainer like Justin has a huge following. He has a major impact on young people. That concerns me.”

He also expressed disappointment at Bieber's use of the word 'Indian' - which the group are trying to convince people to use less frequently.

“That’s a term that our people in Canada have been moving away from for years,” he added, saying that Bieber was now old enough to take responsibility for his statements.

justin Bieber had previously drawn criticism from Ellen Gabriel of the Assembly of First Nations, who hit out at the singer on Twitter in July, saying: “@justinbieber When r u going 2 Apologize 2 Aboriginal ppls n Canada 4 disrespectful comment re: “Free Gas” U R promoting racist stereotypes."

Justin Bieber has yet to respond to these statements.

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