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Tags: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber: 'Why doesn't Prince William grow his hair back?'

Canadian star risks wrath of British population


Justin Bieber: 'Why doesn't Prince William grow his hair back?'


Justin Bieber recently mocked Prince William’s thinning hairline, questioning why the future King of England doesn't use his wealth to regrow his hair.
The Canadian pop star was speaking to Rollercoaster magazine when the subject of Prince William’s hair came up.
Bieber said: “I mean, there are things to prevent that nowadays, like Propecia.
“I don't know why he doesn't just get those things, those products. You just take Propecia and your hair grows back. Have you not got it over here?”
His comments have caused offence among fans of the royal family and this is the second time this week that Bieber's thoughtless remarks have caused offence. He was previously slated by an Aboriginal group for his recent comments claiming he was entitled to free gas in Canada after claiming her was 'part inuit' in an interview with Rolling Stone magazine.
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