by Charlie Teasdale | Photos by

Tags: Slipknot

Slipknot reveal fears guitarist Jim Root could have died on stage

Drummer speaks of shock at bandmate's illness


Slipknot reveal fears guitarist Jim Root could have died on stage


Slipknot drummer Shawn Crahan has spoken about his fear that guitarist Jim Root could have died on stage because of a burst appendix. Instead, he had two weeks off and returned just fine.

Root fell sick during series of live dates, and was later rushed to hospital after being diagnosed with a burst appendix. Drummer Crahan has recently opened up about his feelings on the matter:

"I'm happy that he decided to stay home for a little bit, because if it would have happened (his appendix burst) out here (on stage), I don't know what would have happened. If it would have burst in the middle of the set, he might have fallen over and died right there. I don't know, you know, I don't want to think about it 'cause it didn't happen that way."

Thankfully, Root was treated for the illness and returned to the touring duties after just two weeks off.

Lead singer Corey Taylor recently passed out on stage due to heatstroke during the band's last song at a gig in Dallas, Texas. These boys need to look after themselves a little bit better...

Below: musicians unmasked and without the make-up


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