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Tags: Kasabian, George Michael

Kasabian slams George Michael Olympic slot

'He was looking for his Range Rover', says Serge Pizzorno after end of London 2012


Kasabian slams George Michael Olympic slot


Serge Pizzorno of Kasabian has slammed the Olympics closing ceremony, singling out George Michael's controversial performance as his personal low-light of the show.

Serge Pizzorno previously told how he thought a performance of Kasabian's 'Fire' would have made an excellent inclusion in Danny Boyle's London 2012 opening ceremony. He has less praise for the event's grand finale - and George Michael in particular.

"The closing ceremony wasn't the best,"Pizzorno tells NME. "George Michael did a monster. Playing his new single blew my mind! He's on his own in the middle of it, lost, looking for his Range Rover!"

Pizzorno had previously spoken of his enjoyment of the London Olympics, telling XFM: “Danny, what were you thinking? We’ve got a song called 'Fire' and there’s a massive cauldron being set alight – it would have been perfect. I’ve enjoyed every second of the Olympics though, even the archery."

However, after end of the event, he has now changed his mind on the subject slightly.

"The opening ceremony, just looking at it, you're thinking 'there's a huge flame...'," he says to NME. "But to be honest, he [Danny Boyle] did us a favour because I'm kinda glad we're nowhere near it to be honest."

Below: photos from the London 2012 closing ceremony


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