by Charlie Teasdale | Photos by

Tags: Kanye West

Did Kim Kardashian kill Kanye West's cool?

It's mistake after mistake for Kanye at the moment - see where it all went wrong


Did Kim Kardashian kill Kanye West's cool?


Kanye West; the man who brought us such amazing albums as 'The College Dropout', 'My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy' and 'Late Registration', has recently made mistake after faux-pas after error, and is slowly but very surely becoming one of the most uncool men in showbusiness.

Obvioulsy this titanic loss of kudos is centred around his recent relationship with Kim Kardashian. Sure, it's nice when people find love, but if possible, don't immediately become some four legged entity that is omnipresent at every event the world may organise, it just gets a bit annoying.

From king of cool, to under-the-thumb nerd, here's a breakdown of what has sent the hip hop icon spiralling downward...


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