by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Noel Gallagher, Beady Eye

Noel played 'cat and mouse' with Liam over Olympics cover

Noel Gallagher gave Beady Eye approval


Noel played 'cat and mouse' with Liam over Olympics cover


Noel Gallagher has revealed he teased both brother Liam and the Olympic closing ceremony organisers as they waited for him to approve Beady Eye's performance of 'Wonderwall' at the event.

The High Flying Birds star has said that Liam and the closing ceremony organisers needed his approval before the track could be performed at the Sunday show. Noel later credited Beady Eye as 'Stratford's finest Oasis tribute act'.

Speaking to XFM, Noel has revealed he gave the go-ahead for 'Wonderwall' to be performed, revealing he deliberately held back on giving approval until the last minute.

"They had to re-record it and then send it to me. I did play a bit of cat and mouse with them for a few days," he tells the radio station. "I took it until Friday night at ten o'clock before I said yes and they were shitting it.

"Not Beady Eye, the organisers. Because I had to say yeah and I was like 'Meh, it's alright, I'm not sure with this new string arrangement' and they were like 'fuck! The gig's on Sunday' so I was like 'Okay, alright, you can have it then'."

He also tells XFM that he was initially asked to perform at the ceremony himself, but turned the gig down due to excessive secrecy surrounding the ceremony - and being asked to mime at the show.

"I was asked to do it a long time ago and to be frank, they were being so secretive about it. I was like 'Who else is playing?' and they were like 'We can't tell you, you've got to sign a confidentiality agreement' - it's like it's the Iran nuclear programme or something," he added.

"I mean what do they think is going to happen? ITV are going to get hold of it and put on a gig the night before with the same bill?! And then they wanted me to do it acoustically and then they wanted me to mime... and I'm all for miming in TV shows - I'm all for that - but if you're in a stadium with 80,000 people and you're pretending? I can play live!"

Below: Noel Gallagher and Red Hot Chili Peppers share a stage


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