by Charlie Teasdale

YouTube becomes more popular than radio or CDs

Video site becomes teenage favourites


YouTube becomes more popular than radio or CDs


According to a new survey, Youtube is American teenagers' favourite method of listening to music and has surpassed CD's and radio.

The poll by Nielsen shows that nearly two thirds of the 3000 adolescents they asked use YouTube to listen to music, even though the site is not a dedicted music platform such as radio or Spotify.

64% of the of the teenagers said they used YouTube, whereas only 56% said they listened to the radio. YouTube also beat iTunes purchases, however the poll did not cover the use of dedicated music streaming sites.

Google, who own YouTube, are in a series of ongoing musical rights-battles with parties all over the world. One group in Germany has asked that YouTube pay at 0.006 Euros per stream, and if this were to come into place, the company would owe millions of pounds in unpaid royalties.

Rihanna recently broke Nicki Minaj's record for the most viewed Vevo video in a 24 hour period, when her dlip for track 'Where Have You Been All My Life' was watched 4.9 million times.


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