by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Lady Gaga

Lady Gaga to stamp out sexual predators on her social network

Team aim to stop paedophiles on Little Monsters


Lady Gaga to stamp out sexual predators on her social network


Despite not seeming to mind so much about animals being skinned so that people can wear a warm coat, Lady Gaga is taking a strong stance against sexual predators on her social network, Little Monsters.

The star has employed a team dedicated to tracking down bullies, individuals preying on younger members for a sexual reason and those using offensive language on the site. Little Monsters is a social networking for Lady Gaga fans to interact with each other - and also the star herself.

"I'm aware of the bullying and predatory nature of some of the new accounts being made," Gaga writes in a post on the site. "Although this is quite common on all social networks, that will not be the case here. I'm in the process of hiring a team to focus solely on monitoring and deleting accounts associated with sexual predators and language as well as bullies and fake accounts."

"I love you and want this to be a safe place for you!! Don't worry the organisations being put into place are top notch!"

Lady Gaga has come under fire recently from PETA and Ke$ha for her stance on wearing fur. Gaga recently said that where some people see dead animals, she sees art. A letter revealed online today (16 August 2012) was said to have been written by 'Tik Tok' star Ke$ha, expressing her disgust at Gaga's choice to wear fur.

Below: Lady Gaga and her giant inflatable vagina


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