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Tags: Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber records voiceover for upcoming Simpsons cameo

Canadian star heads to Springfield for cameo role


Justin Bieber records voiceover for upcoming Simpsons cameo


Justin Bieber is set for an appearance in US cartoon The Simpsons, after letting slip on Twitter that he had recorded a voiceover for the show.

The singer posted on Twitter that he had recorded his part - but the tweet was quickly deleted. It read: "Just did a voiceover for the Simpsons! swaggy."

A spokesperson for the show later confirmed Bieber's appearance. "It's a cameo," executive producer Al Jean told"But all of his fans should watch every minute of the show, before and after he's on."

Justin Bieber recently came under fire for suggesting that Prince Williams should use growth hormones to grow back his thinning hair. The Canadian pop star was speaking to Rollercoaster magazine when the subject of Prince William’s hair came up.

Bieber said: “I mean, there are things to prevent that nowadays, like Propecia.

“I don't know why he doesn't just get those things, those products. You just take Propecia and your hair grows back. Have you not got it over here?”

Bieber is also currently promoting fashion industry event Fashion's Night Out with Taylor Swift.

Below: music star cameos in kids TV shows


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