by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Professor Green

Professor Green urges fans to stop listening to his music

Rapper warns of death on level crossings


Professor Green urges fans to stop listening to his music


Professor Green has asked his fans to stop listening to his music - in order to save their lives.

The rapper is taking part in a new initiative which aims to prevent deaths on level crossings and is asking youngsters to take off their headphones when crossing train lines after a string of deaths in recent years.

In the promotional video, the rapper is seen leaving the stage after a performance and speaking to the cameras waiting for him.

"I just wanted to say thank you to all my fans for their continued support," he says. "But can you for one moment stop listening to my music. You heard me right, turn it off.

"I'm not joking, turn it off before something bad happens to you. People have died already this year because they didn't take their headphones off at level crossings."

The new campaign comes as a change for the rapper, who has recently made a name for himself with socially questionable tweets, including one suggesting that bulimia was an 'intelligent' eating disorder. He also accused Twilight actress Kristen Stewart of being a 'slutbag' after cheating on Robert Pattinson and hit out at his own record label.

Watch Professor Green ask fans to stop listening to his music below.


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