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by David Renshaw | Photos by Shirlaine Forrest

At The Drive-In perform 'last show' ever in London?

Band reunion ends with headline show at Brixton Academy but will we see them again?


At The Drive-In perform 'last show' ever in London? Photo: Shirlaine Forrest

At The Drive-In performed what could be their last gig ever in London last night (Aug 28).

The band, who admitted they reunited for the money, headlined a one-off date at London's Brixton Academy and were met with mixed reviews via fans on Twitter.

Many of the thousands who had waited ten years to see the band were delighted with what they saw, however lots of people were seen complaining about the lacklustre performance of guitarist Omar Rodriguez-Lopez.

Facing away from the crowd and barely acknowledging the rest of his band, many fans felt that Omar was not interested in being on stage at all. A point backed up by his failure to say goodbye as the band left the stage following 'One Armed Scissor'.

Tweeting from the gig, Kerrang! editor James McMahon posted to say: "This At The Drive-In show is a disgrace. To the extent that them charging for it is akin to theft."

Adding: "You know those people who get in a mood and when you ask them if they're alright they limply say "I'm fine"? That what watching Omar is like."

However, It was the comments of second guitarist Jim Ward that caught the attention with the guitarist telling the London audience how: "We consider this the last Relationship Of Command show."

At The Drive-In currently have no tour dates in their diary and, it seems, are unlikely to be booking any further dates in the future.

Check out pictures from At The Drive-In's Leeds Festival set below:

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