by Grace Carroll | Photos by

Chairlift go Japanese on new version of 'I Belong In Your Arms'

Band look to K-Pop for inspiration in dubbed video


Chairlift go Japanese on new version of 'I Belong In Your Arms'


Chairlift have recorded a Japanese version of ‘I Belong In Your Arms’ to celebrate the Japanese release of their album ‘Something.’
The Japanese version of ‘I Belong In Your Arms’ comes complete with a karaoke style music video (if you know Japanese, feel free to sing along) and cheesy graphics. Frontwoman Caroline Polachek spent part of her childhood in Tokyo, which is perhaps something to do with the album highlight being re-recorded.
The Japanese version will be released on a limited edition 7" , which will also contain an "instrumental karaoke version" by Kurt Feldman of the Pains of Being Pure at Heart and Ice Choir.
Watch the video below:

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