by Michael Baggs | Photos by

Tags: Rihanna

'Don't you know who I am?' says Rihanna during drunken London night out

Celebrity status comes in handy on night out


'Don't you know who I am?' says Rihanna during drunken London night out


Rihanna was nearly thrown out of a top London club this week, when her drunken antics caused chaos at celebrity nightspot, The Rose Club.

The star was ordered to leave the venue after collapsing a table in the club when she jumped on top of it to dance during a night out on 30 August, 2012. The table collapsed under her, smashing bottles of champagne and glasses in the elite establishment. She was ordered to leave the club immediately, but took offense with bouncers attemptingto eject her from the club, apparently yelling: "Don't you know who I am?" as she was marched out.

The Sun newspaper reports that her friends tried to use Rihanna's celebrity status to change the door staffs' minds, with an onlooker telling the paper: "They were trying to eject her when her girlfriends starting screaming, "that’s Rihanna, you idiots!"

"Ri was telling the bouncers to get off and there was a scuffle. I don’t think they recognised her."

However, it seems her worldwide fame worked in her favour. "Finally, before they got to the exit doors, they realised their mistake and the club manager ordered free drinks for the table. And a new table, of course," reveals the source.

Rihanna was most likely drowning her sorrows after her new fashion TV show, Styled To Rock, drew less than 100,000 viewers for its opening episode.

Below: super-hot shots from Rihanna's Instagram


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